Understanding how consumers value your brand and your competitors is critical in knowing how to gain competitive advantage in the market. Brand equity is derived based on how consumers perceive a brand, and how consumers engage with the brand. With RLR’s Brand Locksmith, you can identify the factors that drive Consumer Perception and Consumer Engagement that will allow you to craft the key in strengthening your brand’s value.

RLR Singularity

Singularity is defined as the point where something becomes undefined or infinite. Human dynamics can be expressed in the same way– individually distinct, inherently complex; molded by their perceptions, beliefs, and emotions.

The RLR Singularity is a single-score index that includes all key factors and data points, which provides a more holistic, integrated, and in-depth representation of stakeholder affinity.

By converging all key data inputs, the RLR Singularity single-score is able to encapsulate the overall stakeholder sentiment.

Each attribute is weighted by level of importance for each individual respondent, which makes the RLR Singularity a highly sensitive performance metric as it considers the variance of attribute relevance across each individual.

Index scores of other research agencies rely on 4 to 5 data points only.


RLR Quadrant

The RLR Quadrant is an intuitive method of prioritizing attributes by plotting the intersection between Stated Importance (claimed importance rating) and Customer Impact (correlation with overall satisfaction).

It prioritizes and organizes attributes based on relevance and impact, allowing clients to determine where to concentrate and allocate their efforts.