59% of the residents being definitely satisfied, 29% somewhat satisfied, 4% somewhat dissatisfied, 3% definitely dissatisfied and 5% is not sure.

Background of the Study
RLR Research & Analysis Inc. wanted to contribute toward assessing the national and local governments’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic by measuring the opinion of residents of Metro Manila, considered the epicenter of the pandemic, and informing the public as well as national and local leaders on public opinion on this administration’s efforts and policies. This survey is non-commissioned and the Company’s own contribution to fulfilling the information needs of citizens, government and community institutions, businesses, etc. We hope that the results of this study are helpful and useful in promoting good governance and responsiveness and a tool for our leaders to gauge how they are faring in addressing the needs and concerns of the people in these very trying times.
Sample Distribution and Error Margins
A total of 1,275 Metro Manila household heads were interviewed. Cities with over 300,000 households (based on 2015 NSO Survey of Households and Population) were allocated with a sample size of 100; cities with 100,000 to 300,000 households were allocated a sample of 75, while those with less than 100,000 with 60.

Fieldwork Period
Fieldwork was conducted from May 14 to June 2, 2020.
Sampling Methodology
The usual sampling that opinion surveys/market research employ was slightly modified to fit the quarantine situation during the conduct of this survey. However, all possible quality assurance measures were performed to ensure the validity of the survey.
- In each city, sample barangays were selected via simple random sampling, i.e., barangays have equal chances of being selected.
- In each sample barangay, the field interviewer who resides nearest to the sample barangay was tasked to recruit potential survey respondents by securing the household head’s mobile number and his/her agreement to participate in a telephone survey. An interval of 2 (i.e., every third household) was employed in area sampling.
- Other measures taken to help achieve the target sample sizes:
- Expansion of barangays – if the required quota of 5 respondents per barangay was not achieved, the interviewer recruited from adjacent barangays
- Use of database – 2019 to 2020 respondents of previous surveys that used simple random sampling were utilized to reach the required sample size in specific cities.
Pre-survey Activities
- The questionnaire was pre-tested to improve the questionnaire by checking the length of interview, ease of administration and if respondents can easily comprehend the questions.
- Field interviewers tasked to recruit respondents on the ground were trained via video conference calls. A separate video conference call was conducted to brief the telephone interviewers on the questionnaire app.
- To protect the field interviewers, they were required to wear masks and face shields together with using alcohol to clean their hands as often as possible while out on field. Additionally, they were instructed to always observe physical distancing, especially during recruitment.
Quality Control
- 20% of interviews were back-checked (i.e., called again by a back-checker to confirm that they were indeed interviewed and their location)
- 10% of interviewers were supervised via 3-way calls
Weighting Procedure
To yield representative figures at the regional level, census-based population weights were applied to the cities.
- Household heads from Metro Manila, 18 years and over across all socio-economic classes were interviewed via Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI).
- Respondent Breakdown and Profile:

Executive Summary
- In responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, President Duterte enjoys across-the-board high satisfaction ratings (88%) despite the challenges the national government is facing in addressing the people’s needs while trying to curb the spread of the contagion.
- The military and police are also rated highly by 9 out of 10 Metro Manila residents.
- Residents are more critical of their local chief executives. While practically all residents of Pasig City (97%) are satisfied with Mayor Vico Sotto’s efforts during the crisis, Quezon City and Las Piñas residents are not as satisfied with their mayors. In fact, 25% of Quezon City residents have not received any form of assistance from the city government at the time of the survey.
- The main problem faced by Metro Manila residents during the quarantine period is source of income. A large majority (86%) of residents lost their source of income one way or another, may it be because of work stoppage, inability to report for work due to lack of transportation or small business are forced to shut down. The lower class D is hit hard by this problem.
- One out of five (21%) of households do not have enough food for the following reasons: most were not prepared to be locked down, it has been difficult to go out and buy food supply, and the household has no income to buy food.
- Apart from the government, the private sector also provided relief and assistance. Among the private companies, San Miguel Corp. was mentioned by 1 out of 5 (22%) as the company which helped Filipinos in coping with the crisis. This is followed by media networks GMA7 (20%) and ABS-CBN (16%).
- Over half of Metro Manila households applied for the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) where they can receive PhP 8,000. Two out of 5 (39%) received their SAP as of survey period.
- Although 9 out of ten (92%) of Metro Manilans think that the ECQ/MECQ had been effective in controlling the spread of the virus, it seems like Metro Manila residents have begun to relax as fear of being infected has decreased to 55% from data of Social Weather Stations May 4-10 survey where 93% are worried about getting sick of COVID-19.

Satisfaction Rating of the President by Demographics
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- 88% of Metro Manila residents are satisfied with how President Duterte responded to the pandemic.
- Positive response cuts across all demographics and localities.

Perceived Effectiveness of ECQ to Curb the Spread of COVID 19
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- High satisfaction of the President’s performance is mirrored by the high approval of the quarantine measures.
- 9 out of 10 MMA residents believe that the ECQ/MECQ was effective in slowing the spread of the virus.

Satisfaction Rating on Government Agencies
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Military and law enforcement agencies received highly positive ratings mostly attributed to maintaining order and implementing physical distancing.
- DOH, DSWD, and DOLE received relatively lower ratings given the challenges and struggles they faced in mobilizing medical needs and social aid.

Satisfaction Rating of Metro Manila Mayors in Responding to the COVID 19 Pandemic
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto earned top marks both for Top Box and Top 2 Box ratings.

Difficulties Faced During ECQ/MECQ
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Loss of livelihood was the primary concern of Metro Manila households, followed by restrictions from the Quarantine rules.

Incidence of Households with Members Who Lost Income Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Almost 9 out of 10 households experienced loss of income during the quarantine period.
- Households from the lower class DE felt the impact the most.

Adequacy of Food in the Household
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Majority of Metro Manila households still managed to have enough food.
- Class E struggled the most in having enough food to eat.

Whether or Not Received Food/Cash/Livelihood Assistance
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Metro Manila households managed to cope as almost everyone was able to receive aid from their respective LGUs.

- Caloocan City, Mandaluyong City and Pateros ameliorations mostly coming from the Local Government while Pasay City Barangays lead in giving out assistance.

Spontaneous Awareness of Private Companies that Helped During the ECQ/MECQ Period
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- SMC resonated as the company that provided aid during the quarantine period, followed by the big media networks GMA and ABS-CBN.

Incidence of Social Amelioration Program Application
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- Most households were able to apply for SAP and majority of them have already received their aid. Nearly all of the recipients received the full aid amount of Php 8,000.

Level of Fear of Being Infected
Fieldwork Period: May 14-June 2, 2020 / n=1,275 (+/- 2.7% Error Margin)
- While most Metro Manila residents are still worried of being infected, there is also a large proportion of those who are less so.
- As the daily struggle on lack of income continues to mount, residents begin focusing their concern on livelihood.